Thursday, January 26, 2012

Convenience stores in Tsukuba

A source of information which I looked over tells that Tsukuba City has about 108 convenience stores. No.1 is Seven Eleven and the number is 47 stores. No.2 is FamilyMart and the number is 20 stores. No.3 is Lawson and the number is 11 stores. And more, Coco stores(8), Mini Stop(7), Sunkus(7), SaveOn(6) and Seico Mart(2). Seven Eleven has many stores as usual, but FamilyMart has much many stores than Lawson. The stores of FamilyMart are a few around University of Tsukuba, so I think the number of FamilyMart is a few.

In September 26th, 2011, an ordinance and budget were concluded which we can get our certificates of residence copy and certificates  of the legal registration of our official seal by using our Basic Resident Register cards at Seven Eleven. We can get from Kiosuku terminal unit from a.m.6:30 to p.m.11:00, and we'll have to pay a fee of one hundred and fifty yen for getting it. However, we need procedure at town hall beforehand. Incidentally, we can use this service in the whole country.

The payment by the hour of a part time job at Seven Eleven in Tsukuba City is about from 740yen to 1070yen. At Lawson is about from 700yen to 1000 yen. At FamilyMart is about from 820 yen to 1040 yen.

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